NY Health Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy is located in Soho, NY, however, most of our sessions are being conducted virtually using our HIPAA-compliant video system due to limited availability in-person.
If the provider(s) you are seeking are not listed, they may be taking patients on a limited basis, so it is recommended that you email them directly to see if/when they are taking new patients. For more information about our therapists, please click here: Our Therapists
Please note that we never promote hypnosis as a quick fix, but as an integrated part of our care for our patients. To read more about how we work and what to expect, please click here: HOW WE WORK
By selecting the button below, you are stating that you are located in the state of New York and agree to all of the policies as stated on our website.
NY Health Hypnosis & Integrative Therapy is located in Soho, New York City, however, we work with individuals throughout the country using our HIPAA-compliant video system. As we are all licensed Clinical Psychologists, we hold strictly to all laws regarding telehealth and may or may not be able to work with you depending on where you are located.
If you are located in one of the states listed below, please feel free to make an appointment online. Please be sure only to book with the therapists as listed below for your location.
Laws are frequently changing, so even if you are not located in one of these states, we may still be able to work with you. As such, if you have questions regarding whether or not we can work together, please send us an email, and we will be happy to give you more information.
If the provider(s) you are seeking are not listed, they may be taking patients on a limited basis, so it is recommended that you email them directly to see if/when they are taking new patients. For more information about our therapists, please click here: OUR THERAPISTS
Please note that we never promote hypnosis as a quick fix, but as an integrated part of our care for our patients. To read more about how we
work and what to expect, please click here: HOW WE WORK
By selecting the button below, you are stating that: